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Photo Credits: Pecan South Magazine


Pecan Grower Refund Request Form

If you paid an assessment as a Qualified Pecan Grower to either a First Handler or directly to the Texas Pecan Board and would like to request a refund, then please fill out the Pecan Grower Refund Request Form and mail it to the Texas Pecan Board.

Mailing Address


Texas Pecan Board

PO Box 15889

College Station, TX 77841


Qualified Pecan Growers are required by Texas law to pay their assessment to the Texas Pecan Board either as a Pecan Grower or through a First Handler EVEN THOUGH THEY WILL BE REQUESTING A REFUND. 


If you are submitting a Pecan Grower/Handler Report Form and want a refund, then submit both forms together with your payment for the assessment. If you are selling your pecans to a First Handler and would like a refund, submit a Pecan Grower Refund Request Form to the First Handler with your assessment. 

Refund requests are only valid within 60 days of the assessment payment date.

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Photo Credits: Texas Pecan Growers Association

Mailing Address


Texas Pecan Board

PO Box 15889

College Station, TX 77841


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