Photo Credits: Pecan South Magazine

Pecan Grower/First Handler
Report Form
Fill out this form and pay the assessment if you are a Qualified Pecan Grower who sells pecans directly to the public and DOES NOT sell or transfer the pecans to a First Handler,
if you are a First Handler (Buyer, Handler or Processor).
Mailing Address
Texas Pecan Board
PO Box 15889
College Station, TX 77841
Pecan Grower
Assessments are triggered when the pecans are sold. If the grower sells pecans to an end user, the Qualified Pecan Grower MUST remit the ½ cent ($.005) per lb sold by the 10th day of each month.
Example: A Qualified Pecan Grower sells pecans directly to the public. The grower sells 2000 lbs in November (could be 1 sale or accumulated sales). The grower must remit an assessment on 2000 lbs (2000 x $.005) = $10.00 by December 10th.
First Handler
Assessments are triggered when the pecans are sold to a First Handler. First Handlers are required by law to collect the assessment from Qualified Pecan Growers at the time of purchase. First Handlers are required to pay the assessment to the Texas Pecan Board by the 10th day of each month.
Example: a Qualified Pecan Grower sells pecans to a First Handler. The First Handler buys 40,000 lbs in November and reduces the price paid to the grower by $0.005/lb X 40,000lbs =$200 The First Handler must remit the $200 assessment by December 10th to the Texas Pecan Board.
Mailing Address
Texas Pecan Board
PO Box 15889
College Station, TX 77841